14 August 2021
These were taken in the midst of my (probably) best semester of university. Unbeknownst to me back then, I was just chugging along.
Most afternoons were spent attending class online, nights spent catching up on SGIFF work. With my laptop contact hours spanning almost the whole day, going over to Marine Terrace to work with Yin Lin offered respite during the little moments in between.
This rang true for us on weekends too, 140821 was a Saturday. From this slate of photographs, it looked like a typical breakfast / lunch into work in the afternoon. Went through my messaging applications to recall what we did that night, to no avail. I probably can figure it out but the lack of sleep is getting to me at the moment.
It’s been a year since these photos were taken.
It’s been a month since last posting here. Everything written prior was probably written more than a month ago.
It’s been a week since landing back in Singapore. Life has still been pretty hectic.
Between meeting SGIFF people, working on Toolkits pieces, attempting to start the GN! Twine script, hanging out with visiting family and preparing for the Reboot interview, I have not had time to sit back and play the latest Pokémon / start hitting my to be read list.
And next Friday I’m flying off to the Philippines, hope to find more friends before that. Miss everyone.
Spent most of today working on my personal site, just to realise by the end that mobile optimisation is still very wack. Oh well.
diy diy diy.
I know this is under a nokia phone story post, but I’ll just rattle off a few things here that have been great.
vnclckjw — Always look forward to updating this account with my camera roll backlog. Instantaneously being brought back to these memories never get old. And it’s wild to scroll sometimes to see how moments transpire.
The Plains by David Easteal – Sleep cinema? Car cinema? Transit cinema? Sandwiched between Alex and Sasha during its SGIFF screening, this 3 hour odyssey through David’s Melbourne was revelatory in spurts and definitely coloured by my newfound nostalgia for the country. Through routine, one finds recurring hopes / fears / concerns / ideas on the protagonist’s daily commute back home from work. The other day, my eyes welled up when driving my Dad back home. He was speaking to me about his concerns at work, levelling with me. Maybe this film played a part in my emotions. Easily favourite of the fest (out of 3 watched ack, next time hopefully can catch more).
A Journey into the World of Asian Grooves with Dean Chew — My cousin from the states, Kuya Chris, showed me this channel one morning. Recognising Dean Chew, I clicked on the video sharing with my cousin that this was one example of a Singaporean selector. Needless to say he enjoyed it, with standout track being this one by George Lam.
Blue Lock — Standard Shōnen fair, heightened by the World Cup happening right now. This anime is my excuse for losing money during Japan’s last match. I was rooting for you Blue Samurais…
Paratopic by Arbitrary Metric — Marcus showed me this game last week. Did not get to finish it that night, but the mood evoked was hard to ignore, let alone forget. Not saying a whole lot in this description for good reason. Go into this blind if you can. TW - First Person Experimental Horror game.
Jarhand by Immaculate Machine — IM’s album Fables came to me in the form of a vinyl in the middle of the Katong Square fair. Imagine my surprise upon hearing this perfect Indie Pop banger opener when listening to the record. Here are 3 other songs I resonated with in the past week.
That’s all for me for now. Oh yea, the first sentence in this post remains true. I did get my results for this semester since writing the first few paragraphs. Latest sem ranks as number 2, just barely.
Overall net happy? Overall net getting by.