I wrote a poem everyday upon my return to Singapore. I’ll probably scan them and insert them below when I’ve got the time.
- me on the last day of May 2024

It’s been about three months plus since writing here.
Not a word written when YL was around.
That’s good perhaps.
The light at the end of the programme selection tunnel is nearing, although with necessary friction. Loosely paraphrasing Toshio Suzuki, I work everyday with what is in front of me.
That I feel, is enough.
I distinctly remember where all of these were written. And that makes me glad.
This set on the other hand denies any access to where they were conceived, especially 18 and 19. Less location, more a surrounding atmosphere, a sort of headspace. Reading 1804 immediately transported me to maybe July this year, where I accidentally wiped my Notes application. What must have been years of disparate writing disappeared just like that. More than half were probably trivial day to day note-taking, but I no longer recall other similar excerpts such as those seen in 18.
Grains of sand from Point Addis to Mountbatten. Memories with specificities are often put to rest. This one I’ll keep for at least a while longer.
I’ve reached a point this year where a lot of old favourites bubble back up to the surface. Reliable songs that aid the quotidian.
Another little thing I’ve been up to is doodling. What I mean by this is copying these off photos I take. These are zoomed in due to the fact that they exist in my work notebook. Amidst embargoed information, lie these sketches. I find looking at work a bit more pleasurable when I see these around.
I am very thankful for my co-worker who offered this notebook. He remembered that I needed one and did not include this during his office clear-up. Been diligently using it since the 5th of August, 2213.
Top 3 acts this year at Fuji Rock was bongjeingan, soraya and salasa. YL and I spotted two wild boars at Lower Peirce Reservoir. In timely fashion, we started an anime (The Elusive Samurai) but are unable to finish it while still together. I’ve been trying to take photos with my cameras more often. These two weeks I have also been scrolling harder than usual, offset with finishing two library books that incurred late charges.
Final oddity on this slate is this recording of Simon and I. We were lying down on the grass patch outside Aljunied MRT in March. I’ve got to find more opportunities these days to lie down on some grass.
Shout out to those of us pining for subtle friction. Gonna reread these poems when I have more time - there’s obviously a lot here to chew on. So glad to have access to that recording of us on the grass. Something about the sound of the wind, the trains coming and coming, and the surprisingly good stereo separation of seagull sounds that seems to be a metaphor for the flow state I’ve found myself in in recent days and weeks. Uh yeah, miss you!!!
Ryan's poetry reveal!